القائمة الرئيسية


Oil prices are declining for the third week .. and Brent lands to $ 83.6

 Oil prices fell 2% in the Friday session, with liquidity in the market decreased at the end of a week, anxiety about the Chinese demand and the controversy over the West's status, a roof of the Russian crude price.

Brent mix futures decreased $ 1.71, or 2%, to the settlement at $ 83.63 a barrel, abandoning its early gains.

US West Texas Intermediate crude futures fell $ 1.66, or 2.1%, to record $ 76.28 a barrel, according to Reuters.

There was no settlement for West Texas Intermediate crude contracts on Thursday due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. Trading volumes remained low.

"Because the volume of trading is weak after the holiday, we have abandoned some gains here to some extent," said Phil Flynn, an analyst at the Price Future group.

The contracts of both two years recorded a third week of success in a row after reaching its lowest levels in ten months last week. Brent ended the week, down 4.6%, while West Texas Intermediate crude fell 4.7%.

On Friday, China, the world's largest oil importer, declared a new high number of daily injuries to the "Coveyd-19" as the cities of the country continued to impose a ban on mobility and other restrictions with the aim of controlling the outbreak of the disease.

On the other hand, diplomats from the Group of Seven countries and the European Union are discussing the imposition of a price ceiling on Russian oil between 65 and 70 dollars a barrel, but it has not yet been reached. European diplomats said that a meeting of representatives of European Union governments was scheduled for Friday evening to discuss the proposal, had been canceled.


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